Microwave Repair in Waxhaw
The microwave oven is a real helper in the kitchen. To cook meat, bake a pizza crust, or reheat a side dish, the user needs to choose the right plates, select the desired mode and start the timer. If the device works intermittently, you need to contact the microwave ovens repair and schedule a convenient time for the technicians to visit.
Experts with in-depth knowledge of modern household appliances maintenance have access to the best tools and branded repair kits. They will help you with repairing microwave oven that sparks, makes a lot of noise, does not function well, or does not turn on at all. Such breakdowns may be the result of incorrect operation, worn out parts, factory defects, etc.
Microwave oven repair: a cost-effective solution
The cost to repair microwave, which the microwave repairman will tell you after diagnostics and troubleshooting, is significantly lower than if you had to purchase a new device in a store. Therefore, cooperation with the service is the key to saving money! First of all, professionals will inspect a microwave oven that is not working, then perform the necessary repair actions, and, before putting it into operation, they will definitely test all functions.
Microwave Repair
Contact us for efficient and affordable repair service. Call us today!

Common failures
Lighting problems and sticky tray wheels are minor breakdowns that, in principle, can be fixed with your own hands by replacing the lamp and cleaning the dirt. Technicians are able to perform technologically complex operations. Among them:
- Replacing the control board
- Installing a new plate
- Repairing a jammed motor
- The device does not power on or spontaneously powers off
- Presence of a sound, which was not previously there
- The interior does not light up, or there is a spark inside
- Poor working mechanical devices: such as a timer, door lock, or a not turning turntable
- Failure of various heating modes, such as convection
- Inability to select functions on the control panel
Also, the shop staff will help you repair the gearbox, check relays, test the door sensing switches, etc.
Diagnostic fee – $85.00
90 Day part warranty on OEM parts
Same and Next day appointments available